It’s not a secret that Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most important elements of our diet.
They are crucial for brain and heart health. It’s also not a secret that most of us don’t get enough of them every day. The easiest way to deal with that is to take Omega-3 supplements. However, not all Omega-3 supplements are equal.
It’s also not a secret that most of us don’t get enough of them every day. The easiest way to deal with that is to take Omega-3 supplements. However, not all Omega-3 supplements are equal.
Most of the Omega-3 supplements contain fish oil. Fish oil is not only environmentally unfriendly, think of all those fish companies have to kill to make the oil, but also can be dangerous. But you don’t have to take fish oil to get Omega-3 acids. There is a better way.
What if we tell you that you don’t have to take fish oil to get Omega-3 acids? What if we tell you that there is a better way?
That way is called plant-based Omega-3. Here at Febico, we have reached to the source of DHA, the marine microalgae.
Fish don’t produce Omega-3, they get it through eating large amounts of marine microalgae. We harvest the microalgae, and we turn them into DHA oil which is full of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish oil is often contaminated with mercury, PCB’s and dioxins. Fish oils need to get through many treatments to get rid of this contamination. Even then, some of the supplements may still be contaminated.
I still remember when I was a kid and my mom gave me fish oil before I went to school. When I finally arrived at school, I would get fishy burps and scare away all kids. They laughed at me, but at least I was healthy.
I was not alone. In a recent consumer survey, more than half of those surveyed reported fishy burps, diarrhea, and heartburn as a side effect of the fish oils.
Oil from algae is not only easy on your stomach but since there is no fish oil in it, there is no fishy aftertaste and fishy burbs.
If you are a vegan or vegetarian, you probably lack Omega-3. Fish oil, of course, won’t do. If you need supplementation, plant-based DHA is your only way.
Our capsules are 100% vegan. Not only the oil comes from plants, but our capsules are also plant-based, too. They don’t contain gelatin or any other animal elements.
Fish oil can be more troublesome than you think. Some people are allergic to it, and they will feel nauseous. It’s also common to get a bad-looking rash if you are allergic.
Did you know that 25% of all fish catch is used for Omega-3 production? There is only 1-3% Omega-3 in fatty fish, so usually, 38 fish have to be killed to create 60 fish oil capsules!
Algae DHA helps protect our environment.